Thursday 26 February 2009

Is religion the root of all evil????

This is the million dollar question: Is religion the root of all evil?? This is an enormous debate, one which keeps growing and causing more and more hostility within the world.

The first examples that springs to everybody's minds is 9/11, and closer to home, 7/7. these were caused by muslim extremists that took the teachings of their faith literally. Yet is it fair to tar all muslims with the same brush?No. As i am writting this i am surrounded by people of all different races and religions and we are all sitting in harmony. Due to a minority, doubt is cast into people's minds, along with (for some) hatred and despise. However, it is not fair for people to take the lives of others due to their 'religion'. Nobody has the right to take the life of another human being.

It is understandable for the people effected in these circumstances to feel this way, yet it is not fair to take it out on people who have done nothing.

It is not fair for people to be discriminated for their colour or religion, we are all the same inside. I do not look at my asian friends any different to my white friends as it is the person that matters not their colour.

This is what needs to happen across the country as, if the problem continues, we will be faced with greater disasters than what we have already endured.

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