Thursday 7 May 2009

Didier Drogba attack

I am not greatly interested in football and my knowlege is extremly limited, but i felt angered when i saw this on the news this morning!!

Although my son is only 4, he is still football mad and his awareness off the sport is growing by the day, alluding to role models like this idiot.

Clearly this over paid idiot thinks that it is acceptable to behave in this manner when millions of children (and adults) are watching. Just because he didn't agree with what the ref had decided, he felt compelled to launch into a tirade of abuse, not only towards the ref, but also directly at the tv cameras.

I am aware that he was not the only player to get angry and agressive, but he was the only player who felt the need to have a complete hissy fit and throws his toys out of the pram like a child.

What angers me most is the fact that children aspire to be like him. he has the skill, the money, life style, yet clearly not the personality. This is one of the worst role models for children and he should have some kind of punishment for behaving like this. All he showed people last night was that he is a sore loser, the complete opposite to what parents instil everyday!

Drogba can not behave in this manner and get away with it, it is not what the fans (who pay his wages) expect, or want!

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