Friday 1 May 2009

Final summarative entry :)

Age: 20

Sex: Female

Degree subject: BA Hons English

Being Bad : This module doesn't really relate to the work i have been doing as i am mostly studying how literature works and why. Where as Being Bad focuses more on what we are faced with in everyday life and is perceived badly,as opposed to the effects of literature in our lives!

How i have found it: I found it really enjoyable and the assesments are well balanced, they also bring variety to the subject, at a managable level.

Appropriate: Yes, i feel that a wide variety of topics covered all provided useful knowledge, although some of the topics were similar and not as interesting!

Topics to be added: I think the feelings of guilt should be added to the module as we feel this emotion in pretty much everything we do, i feel that this would be an appropriate topic to use!!

Format: The format is well structured, it is easily understood an simple to follow.

Module team: they were good, good humoured and easy going in the lectures, breaking down the boundaries between student/lecturers, apart from a few.

group discussion: not really what i enjoy but i can see the benefit from them.

debates: these are useful for gaining others opinions, yet it is the same few that speak as many are to shy.

Information and talk: It makes alot more sense when we are given handouts, plus it's easily refered to. makes the understanding of the lecture clearer also.

Approach: this is the best way to approach the module, as the group is a combination of all the subjects mentioned so therefore includes everybody.

Good idea: Yes i do as it draws on the different subjects, this is not only fair on everybody but it also allows you to gain other qualities.

Gained anything: deffinatley, i now look at subjects from different angles, expanding on what i have been taught. it has opened my mind from just being focused on English specifically.

More modules: i think this is a good idea as it brings variety to the degree and some light relief whilst still being relevant.

PH2004:it is not on my timetable as an option.

Recommend: Deffinatly, one of the most enjoyable subjects i have taken.

Blogs: at first i wasn't sure, but it has become one of my favourite aspects of the year. they are easy and you are not set on a subject, you get to use your imagination and become creative.

other assessment: i think they are best the way they are, 2 manangable short essay. they were also more enjoyable to write this way, having too many ideas as opposed to too little.

what have i learnt: It has opened my eyes to what is around me and the way a perceive things.

Useful: mainly the blogs as this is where my ideas are expressed but also the variety of lectures given, even if some weren't great.

waste of time: I dont think any of the module was a waste of time, i think some topics could be altered to engage the students better, or changed altogether as they didn't invite us in. the lecture also came across as hostile rather than engaging.

Being Bad: this is an extremly good module that is very enjoyable and that provides you with an immense feeling of satisfaction when completed :)

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