Thursday 19 February 2009

reply comments: : The Bad Gene?????? : Nicola, has created a link to a website that claims that in some cases the gene monoamine oxidase A, causes bad/ anti- social behavour. After reading the artical, i believe that the findings are true to some degree as a fact is a fact an will contribute to a persons behaviour , but personally believe that it is the way a person is brought up that will determine their behaviour.

It is claimed that the people who show that they have the genetic make-up that can cause anti-social behaviour have also been maltreated. This therefore, is what i believe to be the true cause in their bad behaviour, the fact that they have had some kind of abusive up bringing.

When a person grows up, they copy and learn from the behaviour that is set in front of them as an example, if they see abuse they will copy this, in turn changing from the abused to the abuser.

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