Sunday 15 March 2009

Counterfeit goods

Counterfeit goods are becoming a big problem across the country. From cds and dvds to fake booze, it seems that the further into the recession we fall, the more dodgy goods are sold.

Generally, you can't blame people for buying imitation goods like clothes and bags. it often impossible for an average family to pay the prices designers are asking, yet if you can get a similar style as the original that you wanted, who wouldn't buy that instead? This is the same with dvds and cds, if there are a few different cds and dvds that you want, would you rather fork out £50 or £15 for the same thing? I am not saying that counterfeiting is right, it clearly isn't thats why it is illegal to sell these goods, what i am saying is that, especially now in the current economic climate, it is understandable.

However, it becomes a serious issue when you start buying dodgy booze. there is a story about dodgy vodka that was actually meths!! i have also heard of 'whisky' that contained animal food and there is also the issue of fake fags. Legitimate cigarettes are bad enough, but fakes are a hell of alot worse, they may be cheaper but so will be your life!!

I believe the main problem is the prices of goods, they increase by the day!! Trading standards moan that companies lose millions due to counterfeiting, well if the prices weren't through the rough people wouldn't have to buy elsewhere would they?? It's simple, lower your prices, you will still make money!!

Personally, i haven't an issue with cds,dvds,clothes etc as they are harmless. if your goods dont work you can't moan as you expect them not to be the best and if you look an idiot in your fake clothes thats your own problem, but i think with alcohol and cigarettes people need to be very careful as they could kill you and that does need to be stopped!

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