Monday 16 March 2009


Tax is a bill that is impossible to avoid paying. It eats up most of your wages automatically, plus you then have tax on petrol, cigarettes, food, drink, road tax, tv tax, council tax, the list is endless! It's like your shadow, always following you around, it may go away when your sleeping but it will be back in the morning to haunt you!!

It wouldn't be so bad if it wasn't so expensive, but it is. there is no avoiding it, everywhere you go, everything you do, you get taxed!! recently, when tax was reduced from 17% to 15% people thought it was great, however, many shops have now stopped giving customers the reduction which is not at all fair. The discounts lasted for what? 2 months at the most? yet when the economy starts to recover and tax is increased once again will we be able to oblige for a couple of months and then decide we would rather keep the money in our own pockets? not a chance, we would be arrested or fined and MADE to pay!

People might be less hostile to the subject if they could actually see where their money was going, fixing roads, less crime, semi decent programmes on tv etc. However, there are still a stupid amount of potholes that i have to dodge on my way out and the level of crime is increasing. At least once a month someone else has been killed due to violence and it's not fair.

Somehow, i have a feeling this debate is going nowhere in a hurry, it will only infuriate people more. Especially now there is talk on taxing chocolate!! Soon there will be tax on having a wee or sleeping at night, it is becoming a joke!

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