Tuesday 24 March 2009

sex industry profits

Although sex is not strictly being bad and making a profit out of it (unless it's illegal , ie child porn) is perfectly acceptable, i think it is an interesting subject.

Yesterday, whilst reading my usual womanly magazine i came across an article showing the profits the sex industry has made during the economic down turn. Apparently Viagra is up 400%, sexual lubricants 60% and sex toy sales are up 25%. This just goes to show that being in an economic climate, such as the current, people are still finding time to please themselves and have fun. It is refreshing to hear about couples getting on rather than divorcing in a time of crisis. Although i dont begrudge this aspect of the sex industry making money, i do find it sad that we are no longer able to go to woolies for a paper or pick'n'mix, but we can pop out n pick up the latest vibrator!

Yet for all the couples making the most of their situation, ie redundancy or hours being cut at work, their will always be the people who can't resist the lure of an affair. If a marriage is dull, the extra preasure we are facing at the moment can push people into the wrong arms.

The article i read was greatly recieved as it was light hearted and brought a welcome change to the usual depressing statistics of businesses going bust and more people losing their jobs. As i said at the beginning sex in it's self is not bad, but aspects are like affairs. However, it is refreshing to realise that couples are having free, sensible fun together, like couples should! or in the case of sex toys, on their own!

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