Saturday 4 April 2009

Jade Goody's fanfare

Me and my mom, have felt nothing but heartfelt sympathy for Jade Goody and her family throught her plight with cancer and her premature death. However, today, our sympathy didn't abstain us, it just reduced dramatically.

In the years since the war in Iraq, how many soldiers have died? Over a 100. How many of those people have had their funeral for free donated to their family or just wavered? The £25000 fee that it cost for Jade's funeral has been wavered and given to he children's fund. A nice gift it would seem, yet it is already speculated that she has raised over 4 million pounds for them, now another 25 thousand pounds has been added.

What about the children who are left with no parents after a terminal illness, do they get this treatment? do they get their funeral for free? I do not begrudge those children what they have, but they are very priveleged children (with a father who works on tv so is not poor himself) and i just dont think it's fair that all this fanfare is being made.

Jade made her name through reality tv, she was no saint as nobody is, and it is important to mention that due to her (very) public battle with cancer, action is being taken to save people's lives. However, my gripe comes when normal people and especially soldiers get killed fighting to protect peoples lives and get NOTHING, their families get nothing, their children get nothing and they are forgotten about. They are, in my eyes, more deserving as they have given alot more to society and if Jade Goody gets this recognition for living her life on tv, then they all deserved to be knighted. Even Wendy Richards, who died a few weeks ago, didn't get this spectacular event (or her funeral paid for i doubt) yet she had worked hard providing the nation with entertainment for many years. She also did countless work for charities, even choosing to be buried in an economical coffin, prefering to think about the environment than herself.

There would be alot less animosity towards the whole situation if it hadn't been dragged out, there are even candles with Jade's face on!! I wish Jade and her family all the support and comfort in the world, they didn't deserve this situation no matter what. However, it is important to remember true hero's and families that don't have the luxuries of free funerals and millions in the bank for the future, the ones that are forgotten.

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