Thursday 2 April 2009

reply to lying:

Mother jailed for lying.
Reading the article about Janette Mercer i agree that she is bad with a capital B!!
It is discusting that Janette, her husband and her son all covered up for her other son Sean, who actually killed an innocent child.
When we discusted lying in week 6 and lying to children to protect them, i dont think any of use thought about this. There is a complete difference from telling a child santa claus exists, to lying about your child being a killer. If your child is capable of killing people i doubt he needs protecting from the harsh world of reality anyway!
As a mother myself, i firstly wouldn't bring my child up to behave in this manner, clearly knowing boundaries. Secondly, even though i am a mother and my son means the world to me, how could you condone the merciless killing of an innocent child?
If you do the crime, you should do the time. If a person is big enough to pick up a weapon and kill a person, they should be big enough to stand up for their actions and accept their punishment!

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