Tuesday 21 April 2009

reply to jack tweed:

Poor old Jack Tweed
A very opiniated blog on Jack Tweed and Jade Goody, it's nice to see a different opinion on a subject that so many people talk about!!
Jade had her faults, but then again show me a perfect person who never does anything wrong?!!
Jack however, is a different matter. A huge deal has been made over his prison sentance, even been given leaniance due to his personal circumstances!! Why?did he give damn when he was beating up taxi drivers and even worse, using a golf club to attack a 16 yr old?? doubt it. He is a pure bully who deserved to be punished, he also needs to stop using the misfortune his wife suffered as an excuse!!
It does beg the question though that if he wasn't Jade's husband and just an everyday person, would he still have been given such a cushy sentance?!

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