Wednesday 22 April 2009

reply to tax mad:

Tax mad!
I totally agree with the points Karen has made, people can't choose their body shape, some are bigger than others by nature. Obviously some people are greedy and transform into larger - than - life people, but surely taxing them isn't going to change the problem just discriminate them more!
As Karen pointed out, rugby players aren't little, they could even be the same size as a normal person who is considered obese, would they incure the same charges?

I read an article recently regarding people who fly and the fact that if your bag is too heavy you get charged extra, yet a larger person who weighs more than your bag doesn't get charged!! it is a fair point that if your bags are heavy you get charged, yet if a person is heavy nothing is done. Rather than discriminating the person, why not suggest that there is a total weight allowance for bags and person? maybe this would stop the debates, or maybe it would just start another one?!

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